too much protein in the mornin?

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    Luis S.

    So my day usually consists of waking up around 9am and having my morning coffee, and then around 1pm ill eat my first meal which usually consists of tuna with lots of mayo and mozzarella cheese or other days ill eat 4 whole eggs with 4-5 strips of bacon and again a lot mozzarella cheese. My issue is i think im eating too much protein and triggering a spike in my insulin levels and stopping the fat burning process. Anyone got any insight on this?


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    What happens to your blood sugar 1 and 2 hours after you eat? if you are going above 120, you probably are getting an undesireable  insulin response. Get a meter from your doctor or buy one at the pharmacy to check. With the eggs and bacon by itself you are getting equal amounts pf protein and fat, so the cheese may be putting you over the edge on protein, just depends on how much



    If you having fat mixed with the protein then you should be ok, you are aiming for a 50:50 ratio of fat to protein and if you go over, do so on the fat side. 1 gram per lb bodyweight should be adequate but no more than 1.2 per lb bodyweight. It would take a pretty decent amount of protein with your meal through food to spike your insulin lvls, the added fat will blunt any insulin spike but not mask it totally. Here is an average breakdown of my day so you have a reference:5am wake up10 g whey isolate2 cups coffee1 tbsp coconut oil2 tbsp whipping cream (not whipped cream)10 am25 g almondscoffee with 2 tbsp whipping cream12 pm4 whole eggs3 tsp unsalted butter30 grams cheese2 tbsp flax seed2 cups baby spinachall blended into an omelet3 pm1 can low sodium tuna3 tsp unsalted butter2 tbsp low sodium mustard5 pmsteakveggiesIn 1 mth on cns I dropped about 5 lbs fat but I saw an increase in strength, I absolutely avoided cutting calories to establish that the fat loss was not due to caloric cutting. If you really want to get the most out of the diet for muscle retention or even slight building then do a good hard workout just before your carb nite starts (I work out around 5-6 pm so I left the carbs to post workout). Now I am pretty active so keep that in mind for food but if you are lacking energy then you need more fat to supply that need.


    Luis S.

    Ive been pretty good on keeping the p/f ratio at 1:1 and my energy levels tend to be pretty stable. Ive done a couple runs at CNS usually lasting 2-3 weeks and seen awesome results but have usually done some stuff wrong so this time i re-read the book and got the most info i could to give it a full on go. Thanks for the help guys!

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too much protein in the mornin?

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