Training to failure

  • This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Marco.
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  • #2982

    Matthew C Graham

    I'm going to be starting a 4 day shockwave split and my question is about training to failure. The warm-up sets I realize you wouldn't. As far as the ELECT and Normal sets, I'm not sure. As far as the ELECT sets, is the last of the 5 mini-sets done in a normal rep performance manner to failure? Should I train normal sets to failure? For example if I should do 10 reps of an exercise, should I fail on an attempted 11th rep?Thanks, Matt G.



    For ELECT the last set you should be on or near failure. If you can only do 2 or 3 and know you can't do another, you are doing it right.


    Richard Schmitt

    Not to failure but the last two should be a good working set


    Brandon D Christ

    How do you guys load your sets?  I would imagine a good load for the final set would be say 80%? 


    Matthew C Graham

    I have a question about the last of the mini-ELECT sets. Should rep performance be ELECT or normal?


    Richard Schmitt

    How do you guys load your sets?  I would imagine a good load for the final set would be say 80%?

    I do mine 65/70/75/80/85% just for my compound lifts.


    Richard Schmitt

    I have a question about the last of the mini-ELECT sets. Should rep performance be ELECT or normal?

    Meaning? ELECT should performed as normal.


    Matthew C Graham

    My understanding in the first 4 mini-sets all reps should be a short negative, as quick a turn-around as possible into an explosive positive. If any reps in those first 4 sets should turn into a grinder, I should stop to preserve my Central Nervous system. In regards to the 5th set, the working set, I was wondering if the same rep performance is required and if a rep turns into a grinder, I should stop or it's okay to continue to work to just before failure. I hope that makes sense.


    Brandon D Christ

    You guys keep confusing ELECT with PSR.  ELECT is the fashion in which a rep is done.  A one second eccentric phase and then an explosive contraction.  You can do a normal straight set with ELECT reps.  PSR is when you do the five mini sets.


    Marty P Koch

    You guys keep confusing ELECT with PSR.  ELECT is the fashion in which a rep is done.  A one second eccentric phase and then an explosive contraction.  You can do a normal straight set with ELECT reps.  PSR is when you do the five mini sets.



    Matthew C Graham

    Alright, thank you. I appreciate it.


    Matthew C Graham

    Okay, let me ask one more question. I just want to make sure I get the basic gist. For example, in the Shockwave e-book for the Incline Iso Hammer Press it states the performance is ELECT. So in other words short eccentric, explosive concentric. It says 5 sets, 3 reps for each set. For that exercise should I use PSR or do 5 normal sets?


    Okay, let me ask one more question. I just want to make sure I get the basic gist. For example, in the Shockwave e-book for the Incline Iso Hammer Press it states the performance is ELECT. So in other words short eccentric, explosive concentric. It says 5 sets, 3 reps for each set. For that exercise should I use PSR or do 5 normal sets?

    You are doing a PSR/Ramp set type, while using ELECT rep type


    Matthew C Graham

    Alright, thanks.



    Is a PSR set done to failure ?

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Training to failure

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