Understanding ELECT

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    Ok so I've watched the youtube videos and read the descritption but there is just a few things I want to clarify.1. Are you meant to go up in weight each set, as she does in the video. She'll do a set, put it down, and go straight onto the next heavier set. 2. Is there a rest period between sets, or is the whole point of the grouping just to do the first set, set up the next weight, do it ASAP and then keep progressing until you've completed all sets?If someone could just clarify for me that would be a huge help.


    Richard Schmitt

    To both questions yes. But you'll do 3 reps increase weight, so on, and so forth.The only rest period is changing on the weights.



    Ok so I've watched the youtube videos and read the descritption but there is just a few things I want to clarify.1. Are you meant to go up in weight each set, as she does in the video. She'll do a set, put it down, and go straight onto the next heavier set. 2. Is there a rest period between sets, or is the whole point of the grouping just to do the first set, set up the next weight, do it ASAP and then keep progressing until you've completed all sets?If someone could just clarify for me that would be a huge help.

    1. Yes you need to increase the weight with each partition set.  Start very light and increase from there.  The last set should be very heavy for you and you should be near failure at the end.2. The rest period between partitions is as short as possible.  Basically however long it takes you to switch the weight each time.



    Exactly. The newest version of the Shockwave book expands the concept. ELECT is actually how you do the repetition. The set of 5 mini-sets is Partitioned Set Ramping (PSR). So entire 3-3-3-3-3 is one set of 15 reps total…and as you described, the first 3 reps are done with a light weight, you immediately increase weight and do another 3 reps (as little rest as possible), then add weight and do another three and so on. After the 5 mini-sets, you've completed a single PSR set.



    Ahh I see, I understand now. I thought that may have been the case after watching the videos but I just wasn't sure about it.Thanks for clearing it up Kiefer, and for everyone elses help. 🙂



    Kiefer, I once saw a vid of Shelby Starnes doing a reverse dropset on hacksquats. He had say, one plate per side, did four squats, added another plate, 4 squats, added plate, 4 squats, added plate, 4 squats…etc. until he could go no further. How related would you say that is to whatever principles helped inspire the ELECT method?



    So if it says squats elect 5 sets of 3 do you do 3,3,3,3,3 increasing weight till your finished and that's it your done with squats?  Or do you drop the weight down and do it again 4 more times for a total of 5 sets?


    Richard Schmitt

    First statement was correct. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    First statement was correct. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

    Thanks for the fast reply.  That seems like really really low volume.  I'm used to doing my warm up sets totaling probably 20 reps and then doing 10 singles of 90% of my 1RM.  Off to the gym to give this a try. 



    The reason this doesn’t seem like a lot is most of us are used to destroying our muscles every time we are in the gym. If you listen to Kiefers very first podcast when he is talking to Monte, they discuss why it’s important to “stimulate” your muscle, not destroy. It’s all about your central nervous system, (CNS). When you go to failure, do to many reps and pound away at your CNS until it is hurt it takes 12-14 days for your CNS to fully recover. During that time you’ll never be able to do any max efforts correctly. Shockwave is all about stimulating muscles, so you can week after week work them and see gains.


    Damon Amato

    First statement was correct. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

    Thanks for the fast reply.  That seems like really really low volume.  I'm used to doing my warm up sets totaling probably 20 reps and then doing 10 singles of 90% of my 1RM.  Off to the gym to give this a try.

    That's why there is no deload week, you're always improving. It's also only low volume compared to other protocols that are ridiculously high volume.


    Richard Schmitt

    The thing that gets me though, is setting up each rep/set. I did ask this question for webinar but since it never aired, the question never got answered. But how would someone set this up? for example, 65%-70%-75%-80%-85%? I would do these according to the main lifts, i.e. bench, squat, deads, and shoulder press. Everything else will go by feel and what I can and cannot do.



    this may not be right, but I go by feel. I picks start weight and just add, depending on the lift its more or less weight each time. Kiefer is big on not lifting to failure, so I keep that in mind as I move up. mentally focusing on how the last three reps felt I determine how much I should move up so I am stimulatingthe muscle the entire time.


    Richard Schmitt

    this may not be right, but I go by feel. I picks start weight and just add, depending on the lift its more or less weight each time. Kiefer is big on not lifting to failure, so I keep that in mind as I move up. mentally focusing on how the last three reps felt I determine how much I should move up so I am stimulatingthe muscle the entire time.

    Yeah I agree with you, my squat is horrible form and strength. I am really trying to get parallel while moving big weight. I can get 165lbs at parallel but when I try to do 85% of my max (85%=185) I can't even get below 45 degrees because I'm weak with squats...I can't even bench past 155 without struggling. Deadlifts I get stuck at 255 and shoulder presses stop at 100...yeah pretty pathetic compared to y'all. Thus why I want to find out what the ranges are to increase strength while doing SW ELECTS while on CNS.


    Yeah I agree with you, my squat is horrible form and strength. I am really trying to get parallel while moving big weight. I can get 165lbs at parallel but when I try to do 85% of my max (85%=185) I can't even get below 45 degrees because I'm weak with squats...I can't even bench past 155 without struggling. Deadlifts I get stuck at 255 and shoulder presses stop at 100...yeah pretty pathetic compared to y'all. Thus why I want to find out what the ranges are to increase strength while doing SW ELECTS while on CNS.

    Drop the weights much lower, get the form right, squat fully ass to grass, and to CBL, don't worry about fat loss, gain strength and muscle, and your BF% will almost surely go down.

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Understanding ELECT

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