What Kiefer does!

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    There are lots of people constantly asking how Kiefer trains, why Kiefer does this or that, what he eats. These ARE interesting topics but in general irrelevant. He has created CBL to be utilized by everybody and individually tweaked to suit YOU! I'd like to know some of these answers too, but not to copy and do it as he does. It probably won't work for me the same way.If you follow it simply you will get results. If you tweak it and find how to make it best suit YOU then you will get phenomenal results.Kiefer works with a few clients directly, getting them awesome almost magical results. He is not doing this by telling them what HE did, he is tweaking his plan to best suit them.In no way do I want to take anything away from what Kiefer does, I have been here since the forum began and feel I will be here for a very long time to come. However the main thing about CBL is it is not some cookie cutter program. You have a foundation to build from. Make the program YOURS, this is how to get the best results.I recently had a client come to me with his progress, he has gone from 87kg to 94kg and 23%bf to 18% in 11 weeks, with a CBL plan I made him. Even with me guiding him he still made a couple of tweaks and mistakes.



    This is awesome! I was just about to make a post about this. In the first few months of running this I have learned a few things. 1. You can only get so much from the forums and looking at what other people do. You have to listen to your body. It will tell you exactly what's going on. And Kiefer says this in all of his articles and podcasts. 2. Simplify stupid! To much is probably to much, but to little is almost just as bad. I think we are all prone to over do it. Especially if you are dedicated enough to come on this forum, participate, and make the effort. I might be the poster boy for this. Trying to incorporate to much at once. 3. Would it be fun if it was easy. If you reached your goal magically tomorrow what fun would that be. If you want to lose BF, gain lots of muscle or just get healthy its a process. Make it fun! Challenge accepted!


    Brandon D Christ

    Haha this is because these forums are full of Kiefer fanboys.



    “3. Would it be fun if it was easy. If you reached your goal magically tomorrow what fun would that be. If you want to lose BF, gain lots of muscle or just get healthy its a process. Make it fun!”So true! Thank you for that!

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What Kiefer does!

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