Workout program on carb nite

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    im keeping things really basic for my workout.Monday and Friday:DB Low Incline Bench, 4sets of 8Squats, 4 sets of 81 Arm Rows 4 Sets of 8Wednesdays:Deads, 4 sets of 8I try to get in a 45min walk on the Tuesday and Thursday



    Been doing Carbnite now for about 2 months and have been using Wendler's 5/3/1 full body routine.  So far have not lost any strength, in fact have been getting stronger. Started at a bodyweight of 285 and I am down to 266.  Best diet protocol I have ever tried and for me, easiest one to stay on. 


    Naomi Most

    Been doing Carbnite now for about 2 months and have been using Wendler's 5/3/1 full body routine.  So far have not lost any strength, in fact have been getting stronger. Started at a bodyweight of 285 and I am down to 266.  Best diet protocol I have ever tried and for me, easiest one to stay on.




    I'm about to hit the gym a few days before my first carb nite. Looking at this thread, lifting is definitely OK, but I want to avoid any cardio (for warm-up purposes), right? I know to limit my HIIT to the days immediately following my carb nite, but I don't know if even 5 minutes on the elliptical/treadmill is permissible… just to get the blood pumping.Is my approach to cardio too old school? 🙂



    So basically the take-aways from this thread are:train for strengthdon't go crazy on volumeenergy may suffer, but strength won't if you do it right (basically what Kiefer said in his "hulk factor" article on elitefts)guesstimation on food is good enough, and following the meal plans will certainly help (kiefer probably wrote those up for a reason  :P)



    I'm about to hit the gym a few days before my first carb nite. Looking at this thread, lifting is definitely OK, but I want to avoid any cardio (for warm-up purposes), right? I know to limit my HIIT to the days immediately following my carb nite, but I don't know if even 5 minutes on the elliptical/treadmill is permissible... just to get the blood pumping.Is my approach to cardio too old school? 🙂

    I have just learned that no HIIT after 3rd day.  However, walking is great anytime.  Well over a year ago Kiefer did a workout plan for me and every workout started with a 10-15 treadmill walk as a warm up - easy like 3.0-3.5 speed max.  I am reading on the threads that a fasted am walk is permissible anytime after that 3 day, actually, walking is good in general.



    Good to know. I also have a weekly invite to play racquetball, so I'm going to try to do that in the days following a carb nite because my heart really pumps when I play.I'll just keep my pre-lifting warm-up on any day to something super light.Thanks!



    Actually, mileage may vary?? I am doing 2 heavy sessions a week, 2 ballistic sessions a week and 2 HIIT sessions a week.My HIIT is limited to 20mins! So far I have dropped size around the waist but my weight has gone up! I am notably more defined so this is my measuring tool! Will do BF% after a month on CNS!



    Yea walking is always good. It's only HIGH-INTENSITY cardio that you want to avoid



    Actually, I take that back. Re-read this as well as the comments by Kiefer, and I think it's safe to say that doing the cardio as he prescribes is safe any day.'s extended cardio in above a 65% max that you want to avoid as this just wastes muscle. Kiefer expands on this in this article:

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Workout program on carb nite

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