Requested Features

We want to thank all of you who keep emailing us and letting us know what features you would like to see, what is missing, and what isn’t working in the forums.

Here are some new features that are now functional that you’ve requested:

  1. Quote a comment function.

  2. Notifications to posts taking you to the last page instead of the first.

  3. Option to add large cover photos to your profiles like other social media sites.

There are still many more features we are working on to improve your user experience for both desktop and mobile.

Feel free to leave a comment on this post on what other features you would like to see.

  1. Lesli Bortz 10 years ago

    *the ability to edit previous comments/posts regardless of how long ago they were posted.
    *the ability to delete your posts.

    • Author
      Body IO Team 10 years ago

      It is available but the “edit and delete” tab is not displaying. We are currently fixing that as well.

  2. Spatz 10 years ago

    • No “breadcrumbs” on the topics, no easy way to see where this topic is in the forum that you’re reading, and no way to easily click back out of a topic and go back into the sub-forum.
    • Unable to easily go through log pages unless you take 30 minutes out of your day to click back through every page, one at a time, to finally get to the page you’re looking for. Bottom line: logs are restricted page by page.
    • There is no availability of previewing your post before posting.
    • Inability to search within a topic.
    • No easy way to go to someone’s logs unless you wish to search for it. This is mainly do to a lack of signatures since many people had a link to their log in their signatures.
    • Website and forum is a bit too flashy for people running older operating systems, would be nice to have an option to dial it down.

  3. Lesli Bortz 10 years ago

    Please please find a way to allow people to stay logged in. The “remember me” function does not work.

    • Author
      Body IO Team 9 years ago

      The “remember me” function does work. What browser are you using? Our recommendation is to clear all the cache and cookies for domains (, and and then try to login again with “remember me” checked. The only time the “remember me” doesn’t work is if you logged in using Facebook.

  4. john tinio 9 years ago

    how do you change your email address to get all the correspondence they are shutting down my old email address shortly, and the only thing I can find is to change my password.

    • Author
      Body IO Team 9 years ago

      You can contact support: to change your email address. Or you can create a new account with your new email address and merge all other accounts into that one.

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