CoryMcC’s progress photos (or rather, vanity photos)…

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    Your arm muscles look much thicker. Are you taking measurements? Or is that not really relevant?

    Thanks.  🙂The last time I measured, I stretched the tape @ 16" cold (pre-CNS).  I haven't measured my arms in a while, in like 7 months or so.  I likely will re-measure everything after the 4 weeks on CBL SA.That said, my triceps long head has grown during the course of CNS (as I put extra focus on it).  So, my arms are probably up in size (i.e., over 16") by now.One of my idols, martial arts action star Jean-Claude Van Damme, had 16 1/2" arms (in his prime), and I currently have his level of physique (based on photos).Cory


    @ Fairy:...actually wanted to add something re: measurements.  You got me thinking about that, when you asked about relevancy.They are "cool" to know, but really, with different heights / body types, they are sort of irrelevant.  For instance, 18 inch arms on a 6 foot tall guy, compared to 18 inch arms on a dude who is all of 5'5 or so, will look DRASTICALLY different.It is almost like lifting numbers.  For instance, dudes with shorter arms will bench more than dudes with longer arms @ the same skill level.  You can find correlations in squatting, deadlifting, etc.  Some people are just built better for certain exercises than others.I try not to get caught up in measurements or numbers, and I only compete with myself (when it comes down to it).  Really, for bodybuilding, it is all about the illusion.  Balancing your body, to create a "look".  Turning your body into a work of art, essentially.  On stage, they don't take out tape measurers.  LOL.  It is all about how you look, compared to your peers, and how you present your package during posing to visibly accentuate strengths, and visibly minimize weaknesses.Cory



    Okay. I was just wondering about your personal progress


    Okay. I was just wondering about your personal progress

    Oh, totally.  🙂LOL.  I used to check the tape weekly, back when I began lifting.  After a while, it is depressing, sort of like weighing yourself on a scale while cutting fat.  Things sometimes move quite fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes sit there going nowhere.  Similar to the scale, water, pump, etc. can all cause the numbers to fluctuate.Cory



    Aw. No doubt since muscle gain is slower than fatloss!!


    Aw. No doubt since muscle gain is slower than fatloss!!

    Yep, and also why a lot of guys give up trying to build a proper body (and chalk it all up to steroids).  They don't like the time and patience requirements.  They figure, if they cannot do it in some set time frame in their heads, then no one can unless they are doping.  I've heard it said before, bodybuilding is a game of inches, not feet.Cory

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CoryMcC’s progress photos (or rather, vanity photos)…

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