Forum Clean Up

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When you click on a log to read…have it take you to where you left off.
A lot of questions pop up in the forums. Tons of people asking similar questions or looking for tips, which is probably why you’re going through and cleaning up in the first place. Consider doing a regularly scheduled skim of the forums and looking at all the questions, then compile it into a large, official Q&A and Sticky it to the top to prevent long threads of terrible recommendations. People are willing to try anything these days, they want simple instructions of “What To Do.”
I think more moderators are needed…..the 3 that I know of have busy lives and may/may not be able to get to all the questions in a timely manner.
More moderators maybe, but I think it’s more an issue of it not being easy to see what’s recently posted in a mass form versus looking at all the comments. I would recommend trying as much as possible to copy the form/flow of the old forums…and not because it’s familiar but because it’s more logical to the everyday person.
Trying to access the forums on my phone (Android) is a HUGE pain. It won’t let me stay logged in like I can on my laptop and I’ve heard of others who can’t stay logged in on their iPads/Iphones.
1. Maybe it’s still working for others but the “remember me” box on the iPad/iPhone doesn’t keep it logged in.
2. The ability to see a “recently added” posts or “replies to your posts” section like the athlete.io forums had. And if there is already something like this it’s not as user friendly as the other site.
3. It would be nice to be able to search inside logs.
4. It would also be nice to be able to preview your post before posting.