CarbNite doubts

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    Hi,I have noticed a lot of threads about people not losing weight or even gaining weight. There are a few probable reasons for this:1. People tend to post on forums when things go wrong rather than when things are going right.2. People over-do carbnite....but I have my doubts about a protocol, that clearly people have a problem losing weight on. Does anyone have a view on why so many people seem to go wrong on this? Has anyone gone into single digits on carbnite?


    Craig jones

    My grl friend last week put weight on by only having 2 meals a day cutting back. Told her it was working just fine on 3 meals with more food. She started eating 3 meals again the very next day and every day since has lost weight. Eat enough is the key I think. Don't starve. More calories equaled more weight loss in her case. She seen good results and thought well if I cut back more I will lose it quicker. WRONG!


    Richard Schmitt

    My grl friend last week put weight on by only having 2 meals a day cutting back. Told her it was working just fine on 3 meals with more food. She started eating 3 meals again the very next day and every day since has lost weight. Eat enough is the key I think. Don't starve. More calories equaled more weight loss in her case. She seen good results and thought well if I cut back more I will lose it quicker. WRONG!

    Yeah I agree on this, eating just two meals a day while on CNS isn't really ideal, 3+ meals for hunger with a good 1:1 fat/protein sourced meal is great. I wasn't loosing anything when I was doing two meals, losing or gaining. Just staying skinny-fat-ius.



    Personally I think people tend to go over board on fat.  They meet their daily caloric needs and then some but since they aren't eating carbs they have a hard time storing the dietary fat as body fat.  The end result is neither weight loss nor fat gain. 



    Disagree. From what I've seen, it's a combination of too little fat/overall food intake. It's hard to overdo fats if you're doing it right.


    Personally I think people tend to go over board on fat.  They meet their daily caloric needs and then some but since they aren't eating carbs they have a hard time storing the dietary fat as body fat.  The end result is neither weight loss nor fat gain. 

    Disagree. From what I've seen, it's a combination of too little fat/overall food intake. It's hard to overdo fats if you're doing it right.

    Both of these have been seen.Once you can find a balance though it works amazing.For me, I could easily feel fine eating 1500 k/cals during about half of the week, but I always have trouble losing weight under 2500k/cals or so.There was a user who was eating really high protein amounts and so he was guzzling fats to balance it yet ending up 5k+ k/cals, so he wasn't losing weight.It seems that the ones the gain weight are under eating and the ones that simply stay the same weight overeat. Against everything we are told, but anecdotally seems to be the case.


    Brandon D Christ

    I have never done Carb Nite, but I know for CBL, the fat loss comes in chunks, at least for me.  There will be a few weeks where I don't lose any fat, then some random week I will lose some fat.Also it is VERY important to understand that CNS and CBL make you lose fat due to hormonal manipulation, not a calorie deficit.  This is why you don't lose any muscle.  Calorie deficits are for weight loss (fat and muscle), CNS and CBL are for fat loss.


    Shane Layton

    I have never done Carb Nite, but I know for CBL, the fat loss comes in chunks, at least for me.  There will be a few weeks where I don't lose any fat, then some random week I will lose some fat.

    I've noticed this as well.

    Also it is VERY important to understand that CNS and CBL make you lose fat due to hormonal manipulation, not a calorie deficit.  This is why you don't lose any muscle.  Calorie deficits are for weight loss (fat and muscle), CNS and CBL are for fat loss.

    Outstanding comment. However, isn't it true that most of us on CNS or SA are in fact in a calorie deficit during the first part of the day? I believe Kiefer mentioned this in the Nate Mayaki podcast. Whatever caloric deficit we're in, in the first part of the day, and throughout the week, is made up for by our backloads. So in a week's time, we ultimately aren't in caloric deficit. But during the first part of the day, when we're fat burning machines, we are. I think this is consistent with a previous post I made about the definition of "simultaneous" fat loss and muscle gain. It's all relative to time. Make sense?


    Hi,I have noticed a lot of threads about people not losing weight or even gaining weight. There are a few probable reasons for this:1. People tend to post on forums when things go wrong rather than when things are going right.2. People over-do carbnite....but I have my doubts about a protocol, that clearly people have a problem losing weight on. Does anyone have a view on why so many people seem to go wrong on this? Has anyone gone into single digits on carbnite?

    It is not one-size-fits-all.  People need to follow the guidelines, but tweak as necessary (for themselves).  Beyond this, training, and timing of training, is also VERY important.  Overdoing it, training or cardio-wise, is NOT condusive to proper results.  However, I find the BEST results come from having MASSIVE, out-of-control Carb Nites.  The more I consume, the more I lose... the less I consume, the more I stagnate.  Interesting, isn't it?I based my diet on one of the diets in the CNS book, but tweaked it for my dietary needs, and my own body.  For the first few weeks, I only maintained -- after the prep phase.Then, I made some tweaks, and now I am churning through 1-2 lbs a week!  I have an Endomorphic metabolism, and I gain fat and muscle VERY easily.  No other diet has EVER completely worked for me... and I've tried everything.  The best success came from carb-cycling, but even still, never got to 10-12% bodyfat.With CNS, I am on the ball, plus it isn't hard to stick with.  I simply don't miss the carbs during the "keto" days, and I thoroughly enjoy my CN (once a week).My strength is up, and my weight is dropping... yet, my musculature remains intact.Simply put, if done correctly, and tweaked according to ea. person's needs, this diet works like no other.This all said, I am not in the single digits, yet... but, my abs are finally becoming visible (so, I am near 12% bodyfat).  Since I began CNS, I have dropped approx. 21 lbs!!!Will I reach single digits on CNS?  I am most certain of it!Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    Cory that's awesome congrats on the progress you've made! I'm the same way with gaining fat and muscle fairly quickly, sometimes it seems more fat than muscle. I'm trying to do CBL SA (sorta, more along the lines of Rogue Style).Though today after my walk this morning, I'm looking kinda aweful, more flabby than tight or defined. Putting my depressed and doubting myself a bit. Trying to figure it out.



    I read this forum constantly and it seems to me that only people that this diet isn't working for are people who are transitioning from another low carb diet. Everyone else seems to be having tremendous success. Since I'm in the former category, I am tremendously jealous.


    Cory that's awesome congrats on the progress you've made! I'm the same way with gaining fat and muscle fairly quickly, sometimes it seems more fat than muscle. I'm trying to do CBL SA (sorta, more along the lines of Rogue Style).Though today after my walk this morning, I'm looking kinda aweful, more flabby than tight or defined. Putting my depressed and doubting myself a bit. Trying to figure it out.

    I hear you.I am endo (metabolically), so I gain ALL sorts of weight easy.  Since my physical structure is more meso (I am a combination type), the fat looks WORSE on my body, than on a full endo.  I guess you'd call me endo-meso or meso-endo.I love the muscle gains, but I tend to gain an equal, if not profuse, amount of fat along with it.  That is, when I used to do the standard "winter bulk & spring cut" bodybuilding lifestyle.  My winter bulks were ALWAYS a blast, and success... my cuts, on the other hand, were never 100% successful.  I get leaner, but NEVER diced.Carb Nite was my final resort... nothing else worked.  Thank f-ck CNS is working!  LOL.Keep tweaking, Tex!  You'll get there.  We all have days where we look and feel like $h!t, so I feel you.  Perhaps, you might want to run CNS to lean down a bit more?  I guess it depends on how much lean mass you have now.Cory


    I read this forum constantly and it seems to me that only people that this diet isn't working for are people who are transitioning from another low carb diet. Everyone else seems to be having tremendous success. Since I'm in the former category, I am tremendously jealous.

    The prep-phase should assist greatly with programming the body for the diet.I can't speak from my own experience, b/c I came to CNS from a month of CBL (in excess of 5000 cals a day).  However, pre-CBL, I was on a LONG-TERM carb cycling diet (standard bodybuilding protocol), with a re-feed once every two weeks.Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh I've been doing CNS since April…not losing any fat, or noticeably. Back love handles show through badly. Could possibly because I was at 175 last year dropped to 150 being very low carb and very low calorie. And then jumping onto CBL without proper guidance and lack of knowledge. Gaining back up to 185ish, but fat  Went through prep-phase and all, and been doing CBL SA since January till April then jumped into CNS since then. Yeah weight is steady from 175-185 and fat about 11-13% not lean or strong. I've got that skinny-fat-itus thing going on. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


    Oh I've been doing CNS since April...not losing any fat, or noticeably. Back love handles show through badly. Could possibly because I was at 175 last year dropped to 150 being very low carb and very low calorie. And then jumping onto CBL without proper guidance and lack of knowledge. Gaining back up to 185ish, but fat  Went through prep-phase and all, and been doing CBL SA since January till April then jumped into CNS since then. Yeah weight is steady from 175-185 and fat about 11-13% not lean or strong. I've got that skinny-fat-itus thing going on. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

    Hmmm.  I am not sure.  Have you been to a physician?  Could be a thyroid thing?  That can cause issues with weight.  My brother had a thyroid issue for a while.  Not sure what they did to solve it (haven't seen my brother in nearly a decade -- only spoken by phone / FB), but he gets ripped regularly, now.  He is more "fitness" oriented, to my bodybuilding.Cory

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CarbNite doubts

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