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  • #13458

    Naomi Most

    Guys/Dolls,I am attaching a fantastic, science backed article that covers Saturated fats vs. Unsaturated fats.  You make up your own opinion after reading this.  I would then suggest reading anything else that may or may not refute what Dr. Peat has to say.  I have a lot of respect for Dr. Peat.  After actually spending the time to learn more about cooking oils and such, I was completely blown away at what I didn't know.See for yourself.

    That's cool. Where'd you pick this up? I'd never encountered Dr Peat before.The dangers of PUFAs are becoming well-known, but not quickly enough. There's still margarine (in place of butter) in my relatives' fridges.One huge problem with nutritional science is that many researchers are still treating fat as "fat". Here's a study that was actually PUBLISHED, trying to show that a "high fat" diet (meaning more than 30% of calories) results in greater likelihood of stillbirth [in rats] -- without ONCE differentiating between various forms of fatty acids.http://www.labspaces.net/view_news_comments.php?newsID=111163The human body has a long battle ahead of it.  Don't think that scientists are all making "progress" -- many of them are publishing studies with conclusions that fit their preconceived assumptions, and failing to actually think scientifically.The result is that science communicators -- who often don't take the time to scrutinize -- will just take these conclusions and run with them, resulting in a public that still thinks saturated fat causes heart disease, that fat makes you fat, etc.It's up to everybody to hold everybody else accountable. Get in arguments. Scrutinize. But also be prepared to admit you're wrong.  We care about the truth, not being right all the time.(Sorry, just a tangential rant -- I'm now on a "Be More Scientific!" kick because of this thread. Can you tell I'm agitated about the Carb Back-Loading book not coming out yesterday... ugh... I hate feeling powerless...)



    Naomi,You are right on.  I love this kind of shit.  We as a market; after all we are all participants in several often overlapping markets - often at the exact same time - anyway.  We as a market, must demand more.  It takes leadership and this sort of attitude - it's the same attitude I have toward parenting.  I have little bad ass four year old son, Boone. Greatest little buddy on the planet - but it's like this; we don't accept unacceptable behavior, Ever.  End of report.  And as a market and as parents, and as a voting member of society - we simply cannot afford to accept unacceptable behavior.  A case in point, some jack-ass standing in the grocery line is acting like a horse's ass and treating the clerk like shit over something she has no control over.  I make a point to let that fucker know he's in the wrong and behaving in an unacceptable manner.  Too many folks allow unacceptable behavior to slip by them; which is basically the same as rewarding that unacceptable behavior.  Remember, we as evolutionary creatures only use and re-use what is rewarded.  Same goes for knowledge expression and assimilation on nutrition, training, or even how to give your girl the greatest orgasm of her life.  No difference.  If I want to built a bird house, god damn it I want the best most critical way of doing so. We must demand accountability from professionals.  All too often the blind lead the blind, or the one-eyed man is exalted as the Dr. Oz of Ozland.  Horseshit.  If you haven't picked it up by now, than it may be too late for ya.  The world and what you know to be, is so often an illusion and all too often an act of social conditioning.  You are being lied to on a constant basis.  And if you don't smarten up, you deserve what you get - because it's only you that yields the sword of critical discrimination.  You are the only variable of change. It is you that must agree with the proposition at hand.  It will never get better; there will always be a large group of folks that want to fuck you right up the jolly ass, take your hard earned $$$ and leave you without value, without a reasonable ROI.  The nutrition, the self-help, the lose-weight, the earn-a-million-dollars-from-home snake oil scumbags will always evolve and are akin to a hydra, cut the head off and another grows back hard - they are always lurking, always paying attention, and always devising clever ways to casually, and ever so sexily squeeze out the remaining portion of AstroGlide, not to ease entry - but to only to shove a bigger dick up your ass (Disclaimer:  So very, very sorry for the off-color imagery here - it was unplanned.  I hope we are all grown ups here). So, do yourself a favor.  Create a skeptical, mental framework - continually augment, revise, and assess your mental framework and evolve - demand better from yourself first, then and only then others around you.  If you don't first demand better from yourself, than fuck it, you certainly can't demand better from others.  You'd be a hypocrite, yet you wouldn't be without company.  I for one would rather be a creature, unlike any before me.  Enthusiastic, Aware, and Always ready to do the fucking, and not the opposite way around.    Sorry if this is a bit brash, as it is late and I love poetic license.


    Richard Schmitt

    So should we stay within our “macros” for fats, or does it really matter? I only take in olive oil, (now)mayo, shredded cheddar cheese, butter, (soon to have) coconut oil, (looking for either) macadamian nuts, or pumpkin seeds. What would be more choices subtible for “Fats”?



    BigTex,I am hoping we can get a worthwhile and through discussion on both Fats, and Sugars and what each variant does to the body.  Creating a detailed listing of what to avoid and what to utilize.  I am still reading and researching right now.  I'll make some postings when I find some worthwhile information.  I am sure Kiefer will be willing to join in once the dust settles. 


    Richard Schmitt

    Alright, awesome. sounds like a plan. I've been curious about that, and don't want to overdo it.


    Naomi Most

    BigTex,I am hoping we can get a worthwhile and through discussion on both Fats, and Sugars and what each variant does to the body.  Creating a detailed listing of what to avoid and what to utilize.  I am still reading and researching right now.  I'll make some postings when I find some worthwhile information.  I am sure Kiefer will be willing to join in once the dust settles.

    Reading Dave Asprey's blog (http://bulletproofexec.com) is a good place to start for a discussion of the health qualities of various nutrients.Keep in mind, though, that the effects of macronutrients are STRONGLY dependent on a person's activity level. A person who trains hard for an hour or more will not see the inflammatory effects of sugar in their postworkout meal the way someone who has no use for that sugar (other than storing fat) will.  (Just for an example.)


    Richard Schmitt

    Reading Dave Asprey's blog (http://bulletproofexec.com) is a good place to start for a discussion of the health qualities of various nutrients.Keep in mind, though, that the effects of macronutrients are STRONGLY dependent on a person's activity level. A person who trains hard for an hour or more will not see the inflammatory effects of sugar in their postworkout meal the way someone who has no use for that sugar (other than storing fat) will.  (Just for an example.)

    Didn't really know that about how someone will be affected by level of work. Thought it could all the same. Granted I'm constantly moving, doing some kind of work, and my regular training sessions.

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