HIIT Before or After Resistance Training

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    Richard Schmitt

    Hey while where on the subject what sort of hiit do you guys do? I used to do 20 50m hill sprints and walk back down and go up strait away, worked like a champ but i moved house and only flat land there is a 100m strait path whixh i might use for sprints! What sort of ratios can you go by seeing as i cant go 30 seconds all out like kiefer recomends there is no path long enough! Some advice would be ace!!!

    Well when schools are not open, I use this hill-parking lot 1-2x a week. However, if you have access to a gym use a Rower, stationary bike, or as crazy as it sounds a Crossramp Ellipitcal.



    I like your style tex! What do your work sets/rest look like? Is there a reson why the rest sets are so long? I want maxinum fat loss is it because if you dont rest enough you use your aerobic system?



    I love me some hill sprints but nothing compares to sled sprints in my opinion!


    Richard Schmitt

    I like your style tex! What do your work sets/rest look like? Is there a reson why the rest sets are so long? I want maxinum fat loss is it because if you dont rest enough you use your aerobic system?

    I do 30 high resistance sprints followed by 4 minutes of easy active rest. Gives me the full ability to go full throttle again.  It helps with fat loss and not lose too much muscle at least for me ;D



    Is that 30 seconds or 30 total?


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh shoot I do 30 minutes total, about 8 bouts 2x a week



    Nice one man, yeah i been doing 10x100m sprints and rest for 1.5min, seems to be working alright not to taxing on the bod


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah I figured I'd give the 4 minute rest a shot. Just to maximize the sprint and get fat burned off. Works fairly well. Was doing 2 minute rests, but never got rested enough

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HIIT Before or After Resistance Training

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