- This topic has 8 voices and 51 replies.
December 21, 2011 at 5:04 am #14614
Naomi MostMemberOh! That's great, BigTex, but I'm not doing this for you!
..I know that just giving you a compliment...
I know, I'm just giving you a hard time.
December 22, 2011 at 5:21 am #14615
nz6stringaxeGuestHow are your lunge and squat tied?!?!
December 22, 2011 at 7:08 pm #14616
Naomi MostMemberHow are your lunge and squat tied?!?!
Wow, someone finally asked!!Because my squat form sucks and I hate doing 'em. I have long legs and my lower back has "issues".But I like lunging. I do long, deep lunges to train my legs and glutes, and it feels good.I can leg press 300lbs for reps, but I'm not going to lie and say my squat weight is anywhere near that.
December 22, 2011 at 7:22 pm #14617
Jeremy WadeParticipantI can leg press 300lbs for reps, but I'm not going to lie and say my squat weight is anywhere near that.
Actually, a 300lb leg press is just that, without your body weight being moved.Your lunge and squat is at 150 for rep, so add your body weight because your pushing that too(283lbs), at least when comparing it to a leg press. Not completely accurate if one were to account for the unmoving weight of the lower legs in squats or something of that nature, but you're squatting weight closer to your leg press weight than you let on.
December 22, 2011 at 7:51 pm #14618
gabexMemberHow are your lunge and squat tied?!?!
Wow, someone finally asked!!Because my squat form sucks and I hate doing 'em. I have long legs and my lower back has "issues".But I like lunging. I do long, deep lunges to train my legs and glutes, and it feels good.I can leg press 300lbs for reps, but I'm not going to lie and say my squat weight is anywhere near that.
Not to be a hater, but I would bet your lunge form probably sucks, too. I remember being able to do barbell step-ups with 185#, and db walking lunges with the 70's. This was before I learned how to perform a proper single leg work. Now, I don't think I've loaded more than 95# on any lunge, split squat, step-up, etc type movement.
December 22, 2011 at 11:47 pm #14619
Naomi MostMemberNot to be a hater, but I would bet your lunge form probably sucks, too. I remember being able to do barbell step-ups with 185#, and db walking lunges with the 70's. This was before I learned how to perform a proper single leg work. Now, I don't think I've loaded more than 95# on any lunge, split squat, step-up, etc type movement.
You could be right. Maybe I'll take videos and you guys can tear my lunge form to shreds.I think my lunges are pretty good though. I have a box at home and 50lbs worth of weights that I do bulgarian split squats with, just because I like doing them. I used to teach karate to little kids and stand around in a deep lunge to show 'em how it's done, and then I'd go to my advanced class right after and effectively be doing walking lunges for another hour.I'm a stickler for my own form (martial arts beat that into me) -- that's why I know my squat sucks, and I need help with it to go any further. I'm especially wimpy when it comes to going below parallel.
December 22, 2011 at 11:54 pm #14620
Naomi MostMemberI can leg press 300lbs for reps, but I'm not going to lie and say my squat weight is anywhere near that.
Actually, a 300lb leg press is just that, without your body weight being moved.Your lunge and squat is at 150 for rep, so add your body weight because your pushing that too(283lbs), at least when comparing it to a leg press. Not completely accurate if one were to account for the unmoving weight of the lower legs in squats or something of that nature, but you're squatting weight closer to your leg press weight than you let on.
That's a good observation, hadn't thought of it that way.
December 23, 2011 at 12:46 am #14621
Jeremy WadeParticipantNot to mention, if you are holding 150 lbs for your lunge, your gluts/hams/quads are then pushing said 283 lbs on one leg at a time…
December 23, 2011 at 3:15 am #14622
Naomi MostMemberNot to mention, if you are holding 150 lbs for your lunge, your gluts/hams/quads are then pushing said 283 lbs on one leg at a time...
See, that all makes sense then, doesn't it.It really is all about form and a bit of muscle imbalance for me. My lower back still has some weakness left over from a really strange misalignment that happened after the baby was born.I just find that a back squat makes my lower back really unhappy well before my quads or glutes get the workout they deserve. I always end up at the leg press... like I did today.
December 23, 2011 at 3:35 am #14623
Naomi MostMemberToday's workout (which was a little crazy due to gym overcrowding — I tend to just grab whatever I can and not worry about hitting my biggest lifts ever). These are all supersets of 3 sets except for the warmup (1 set). I had a lot of energy today.Total time: 1 hour.Warmup: 20 pushups / 20 box step-ups with 24 lbs(A) Seated Rows 90lbs x 6 / Declined pushups x 10(B) Overhead Press 50 lbs x 5 / 1 leg deadlift 65lbs x 10 (per side)(C) Sumo DL 135 x 10 (x8, x5) / Bench Press (progression: 45 x 10, 65 x 6, 85 x 3, 90 x 1)(D) Lunges: 135 x 8 (x5, x5)(E) Seated Leg Press: 2 sets of 300 x 6 / Dips bodyweight x 6I took it easy on the lunges because my ankle is still sore and complainy, and I was just trying to cook my legs with the leg press; didn't have much left at that point. I wasn't planning on doing the deadlifts, but the bar was all set up there and it looked like fun... I don't think lunges are all about that one leg, by the way. I definitely get support and torque out of that back leg.Don't ask me why I hate squatting but love deadlifting. Different usage of the lower back? I am willing to believe that my aversion to squatting is totally psychological.
December 23, 2011 at 4:05 am #14624
ADTSGuestHow are your lunge and squat tied?!?!
Wow, someone finally asked!!Because my squat form sucks and I hate doing 'em. I have long legs and my lower back has "issues".But I like lunging. I do long, deep lunges to train my legs and glutes, and it feels good.I can leg press 300lbs for reps, but I'm not going to lie and say my squat weight is anywhere near that.
Squatting is just about the worst thing you can do for your body if you have long legs and lower back issues.Trust me, DONT EVER LIST TO ANYONE WHO IS TELLING YOU ITS ALL ABOUT FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not.I did for years while perfecting my form and further destroying my back. Guess what, a perfect, heavy squat with a fucked up back STILL FUCKS UP YOUR BACK. Dont listen to these internet physical therapists/chiropractors, most are bred to believe that "Squatz and Milk" is the only way. Even while most are still skinnyfat.Thats it for my rant, I want more than anything to keep the "if you don't (insert compound movement here) your routine is fucked" bullshit off of these forums. Even though, like a virus, it is bound to creep in.
December 23, 2011 at 4:29 am #14625
Richard SchmittModeratorSquatting is just about the worst thing you can do for your body if you have long legs and lower back issues.Trust me, DONT EVER LIST TO ANYONE WHO IS TELLING YOU ITS ALL ABOUT FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not.I did for years while perfecting my form and further destroying my back. Guess what, a perfect, heavy squat with a fucked up back STILL FUCKS UP YOUR BACK. Dont listen to these internet physical therapists/chiropractors, most are bred to believe that "Squatz and Milk" is the only way. Even while most are still skinnyfat.Thats it for my rant, I want more than anything to keep the "if you don't (insert compound movement here) your routine is fucked" bullshit off of these forums. Even though, like a virus, it is bound to creep in.
Yeah I'm figuring this out for myself...I am a tall guy and a tall guy has some long legs and arms, so squating has been hurting me more than helping me. I'd wake up the next morning wondering why my back hurts and my legs being sore...figured out it was the squats. Even though they are being done correctly...it's still hurting me. So I'm having to stop using those. And that whole skinnyfat thing you mentioned sir, I'm having that issue really bad right now =/Naomi, looks like a great workout overall! I wonder what it would be like to train with either yourself, or Kiefer. That would be a treat.
December 23, 2011 at 5:42 am #14626
Naomi MostMemberSquatting is just about the worst thing you can do for your body if you have long legs and lower back issues.Trust me, DONT EVER LIST TO ANYONE WHO IS TELLING YOU ITS ALL ABOUT FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not.I did for years while perfecting my form and further destroying my back. Guess what, a perfect, heavy squat with a fucked up back STILL FUCKS UP YOUR BACK. Dont listen to these internet physical therapists/chiropractors, most are bred to believe that "Squatz and Milk" is the only way. Even while most are still skinnyfat.Thats it for my rant, I want more than anything to keep the "if you don't (insert compound movement here) your routine is fucked" bullshit off of these forums. Even though, like a virus, it is bound to creep in.
Thanks Adam, I appreciate that.Funny, I've had two chiropractors here in SF, one who says squats are great for your legs and knees (I had a knee issue last year), and then a "cheap co-pay" chiro who told me that squats are so bad for you OMG NEVER DO SQUATS!!! Guess who I'm still going with (hint: he's reading his copy of Carb Back-Loading right now)...I'm sad that I seem to have a certain limitation. We'll see how it works out as I explore fixing my form and getting better strength and flexibility through my back (which I think is the real problem). I certainly won't try to push myself to do anything damaging.
December 23, 2011 at 5:51 am #14627
Jeremy WadeParticipantYou can work through things to reach a goal of bigger squats, stronger/more flexible back, etc… just remember, heavy isn't always the way to go. If it creates real pain, your doing it wrong/too heavy.Go light, for deep squats go even lighter. For joints go super light with high reps. Remember, if you injure yourself you won't be lifting at all and CBL is out the window. There is no benefit to injury recovery.
December 23, 2011 at 6:25 am #14628
Naomi MostMemberNaomi, looks like a great workout overall!
Thanks. It felt great but was a little lacking in the "concrete goals" department.
I wonder what it would be like to train with either yourself, or Kiefer. That would be a treat.
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