Ideal Training Programs for?

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    Tex, your running CNS while doing all the volume? That is a lot of volume to be adding into the shockwave training. I know when I ran it, I was still in the gym upwards of and hour, and I was cooking it. I know that during CNS it says you don't even need to train and from seeing others posts this “overtraining” can hinder results. This is just my opinion, but you know your body better then me! Thats killing it in the gym. 



    I agree, this seems like a lot of volume while dieting.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah I understand, I know my body responds well with a higher rep at moderate weight. Just thought might help with body comp and strength. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Though I am not running the Shockwave program, I think I can offer some advice. I don't know how long you have been training but regardless, I think there are some things that the majority of people can benefit from.First of all, keep things simple. Cut some of the exercises and focus on getting the most out of one lift as opposed to getting a little out of two (or three). For instance, on your chest/biceps day, you have wide-grip pulldowns and close-grip pulldowns. Both of these movements will increase thickness and width in your lats/back. Maybe consider rotating them each workout or cycle them for a few weeks each. Emphasize doing a few things really well and you'll still see results.Also, for myself at least, I feel better when I place exercises in a order. For instance, hammer curls before EZ bar curls or leg extensions before squats.Just some things to consider!



    I'd have to agree that you seem to be doing a hell of a lot of volume for Carb-Nite. If I were you I would do your warm-ups with just the bar and then start with your ELECT sets for the major exercises (Bench, Squat, Press, Deadlift). Then, I would choose only two other exercises for assistance and do them for anywhere between 15-20 reps and 2-3 sets.I'd lay it out something like this:Bench:Warm-upsELECT BenchEZ Bar CurlTricep PushdownSquat:Warm-upsELECT SquatsStiff leg deadliftSeated calf raiseAbsPress:Warm-upsELECT PressFace PullsBB or Dumbbell rowDeadlift:Warm-ups (use 135lbs)ELECT DeadliftsDB or BB shrug45 degree back raiseAbs



    Looks like 5/3/1 to me! (not necessarily a bad thing :P)



    Ya I would say try backing off the volume for a little while. See how that treats you.



    Looks like 5/3/1 to me! (not necessarily a bad thing :P)

    Good eye! I don't know what shockwave looks like (I've tried downloading it a couple of time, but no luck so far) so I just went with what I know.



    Brian Carroll is programming my training right now (out of courtesy I won't post details) but it basically looks like this.Day 1 squat (geared with some accessory)Day 2 bench press (geared with some accessory)Day 3 deadlift (geared with some accessory)Day 4 Weak point training. For me this is specifically aimed at my lats, pecs, and arms. They're a bit too small and weak and right now those are my limiting factors in getting stronger.It's a lot less volume than I'm used to but I'm making great gains


    Richard Schmitt

    I appreciate the help guys. I really do. I will take this info and use it. Just want to use the strength aspect of the compound lifts while doing the higher rep moderate weight sets. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Looks like 5/3/1 to me! (not necessarily a bad thing :P)

    Good eye! I don't know what shockwave looks like (I've tried downloading it a couple of time, but no luck so far) so I just went with what I know.

    IMO, Shockwave a little convoluted- especially in comparison to 5/3/1. Sometimes you've just got to cut out all the chaff and SFW, you know?



    I appreciate the help guys. I really do. I will take this info and use it. Just want to use the strength aspect of the compound lifts while doing the higher rep moderate weight sets. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

    Tex this is what I'm doing right now. A lot of research went into this. Strength Set for 1st exercise Set 1 - 10-12 warm up set Set 2 - 10-12 warm up set Set 3 - 8 reps Set 4 - 6 reps Set 5 - 3 Reps If I'm feeling good then heavy single Weeks 1 -4 - Working sets 3 8/10 RM with 60 second rest 10-12 sets Week 5-10  - Working sets 4 -6/8 with 90 second rest - 12-14 sets per body part Week 12-14 - Working Sets 5 - 2/6 with 180 second rest - we will see


    Brandon D Christ

    Can anybody tell me what the goal of Shockwave even is.  It seems to me that it is just a workout for people who are trying lose bodyfat so they don't burn themselves out.


    Damon Amato

    aesthetics primarily, however in 5 weeks my DL went from 295lb —> 365lb.


    Brandon D Christ

    aesthetics primarily, however in 5 weeks my DL went from 295lb ---> 365lb.

    The reason I ask is because Kiefer said he designed Shockwave Heavy Duty because it is better for hypertrophy.  Isn't hypertrophy the same as aesthetics?  Also Kiefer said he puts all of his physique clients on Shockwave before the contest when they are trying to lean out.

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