Medial Deltoids…bleh

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  • #81895


    Just did some geeking out. Looks like medial and lateral are both accepted names for the deltoid in the middle. Anterior = Front of the bodyLateral = Side of body, Medial = MiddlePosterior = Back of the body

    Actually medial deltoid is not technically correct.  It has the least medial orgin.  I got this from wikipedia.

    Ah, well I got mine from MuscleProdigy, so I guess your source wins 😉


    Brandon D Christ

    Just did some geeking out. Looks like medial and lateral are both accepted names for the deltoid in the middle. Anterior = Front of the bodyLateral = Side of body, Medial = MiddlePosterior = Back of the body

    Actually medial deltoid is not technically correct.  It has the least medial orgin.  I got this from wikipedia.

    Ah, well I got mine from MuscleProdigy, so I guess your source wins 😉

    This probably the first time Wikipedia won a source credibility battle, lol.


    Just did some geeking out. Looks like medial and lateral are both accepted names for the deltoid in the middle. Anterior = Front of the bodyLateral = Side of body, Medial = MiddlePosterior = Back of the body

    Actually medial deltoid is not technically correct.  It has the least medial orgin.  I got this from wikipedia.

    Ah, well I got mine from MuscleProdigy, so I guess your source wins 😉

    This probably the first time Wikipedia won a source credibility battle, lol.




    Okay…so..I mean the lateral head. I usually just say medial because it is the middle of the three heads. Though I seemed to have sparked some sort of…something, heh. Also, for clarification, I TRAIN rear delts on back days. Meaning that in addition to the work they get from rows and things, I directly train them as well. I do not leave any of my muscle groups wanting, I love them too much!I am looking to get the rounded "cap" that comes from very well-developed lateral delts. I will definitely check out some of these sources.

    #81899 mean the lateral head. I usually just say medial because it is the middle of the three heads. Though I seemed to have sparked some sort of...something, heh. Also, for clarification, I TRAIN rear delts on back days. Meaning that in addition to the work they get from rows and things, I directly train them as well. I do not leave any of my muscle groups wanting, I love them too much!I am looking to get the rounded "cap" that comes from very well-developed lateral delts. I will definitely check out some of these sources.

    LOL.  Lateral / Medial, it's fine.  I knew what you were on about.Intensity, shock... go for it.  Make those fuckers burn.  Some muscles are just stubborn on some people, and require a little extra loving care (or punishment - depending on your mindset).Cory



    You know Kiefer goes on about these for a bit on Podcast 15


    Damon Amato

    Geez, didn't think I'd cause such a stir. When you say medial deltoids it makes me think anterior deltoids, but you actually meant mid-deltoid. All three are for anatomical purposes in the same place in the sagittal plane, so saying 'medial' does not distinguish anything because in anatomical position none are closer to midline than any other.



    You know Kiefer goes on about these for a bit on Podcast 15

    So podcast 15 has some stuff on building the lateral deltoids?



    Yes 🙂 they were talking about getting caps. My brain turned onto standby mode 🙂



    Yay! Because caps are about the best thing, along with a thick set of traps!



    I think hammies were the next must have mentioned there 😉


    Yay! Because caps are about the best thing, along with a thick set of traps!

    You can get both at once with Upright Rows.For Traps, specifically, do all sorts of shrugs... Barbell Front, Barbell Behind Back, Dumbbell Side, Barbell Front while leaning forward 45-degrees (lower traps), etc.Cory



    I've been using rest-pause sets with military presses, that gets my shoulders screaming.



    I think hammies were the next must have mentioned there 😉

    Fair enough, but while my shoulders are stubborn, my legs are practically greedy. I think they might be stealing the extra muscle I put on my shoulders....


    Brandon D Christ

    I think hammies were the next must have mentioned there 😉

    Fair enough, but while my shoulders are stubborn, my legs are practically greedy. I think they might be stealing the extra muscle I put on my shoulders....

    I am the same way.  All it takes one set of squats for my legs to grow.

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Medial Deltoids…bleh

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