The "Superhero" Effect

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    When i click the link to download the PDF it brings me to an error page  🙁


    David M Pope

    PM me your email address and I'll send it to you.



    I actually emailed the team before bed last night and woke up with the program in my email! Thanks for the offer though! I had asked them to fix the link, their response was “unfortunately we are not going to fix it, but we have it attached in this email.” Damn thanks!! lol



    DAMMIT….I dont think ill be able to do CBL-HD because I dont have a lifting partner. I never have a spotter for any of my lifts  :-


    DAMMIT....I dont think ill be able to do CBL-HD because I dont have a lifting partner. I never have a spotter for any of my lifts  :-

    I would find similar excercises on machines and do 1 all out +neg set on them.Decline bench = Hammer strength, squat = Leg press or hack, you get the idea.



    Yea I was actually thinking into that. Today is back. Im going to do some NEG Close Grip Pull downs for sure. Just Use bodyweight to pull the last couple. Then release slow.



    I don't use a workout partner either.. So for negatives I make sure to be damn near failure, then do even slower eccentrics. But a lot of stuff you can use "body english" to get the weight up for the negative, if you reach failure..Not the best option, but it works.



    I would never attempt to do negatives solo on lifts like Bench, or Squat. Just seems like I would be asking for injury. I might utilize the smith machine or something. Ill just have to pop off the bench, raise the weight, reset on the bench quickly and drop I suppose.



    I would never attempt to do negatives solo on lifts like Bench, or Squat. Just seems like I would be asking for injury. I might utilize the smith machine or something. Ill just have to pop off the bench, raise the weight, reset on the bench quickly and drop I suppose.

    Squat is the easiest one of all. You just let it drop off your back when you're in the hole. No different from if you missed a lift.But with bench, that's one where I, like I said, get "damn near failure" but not there.. So basically, I know I still have enough in the tank to get it back up. So essentially, instead of it being a true set of 10 reps, then 3 negatives, I do it more like a set of 13 reps, where the last 3 are done with largely exaggerated eccentric time.



    Dropping a heavy ass BB off my back onto safety bars, then picking it up to slap it on my back again isnt very safe. As I said its asking for injury. I dont like going from heavy load, and dropping (Dropping a DL at the top for example). As far as the benching, on every exercise I preform my last rep(s) are almost impossible. The point of the negative is to beyond your concentric power at that point. Your muscles are much "stronger" on the eccentric motion. So essentially your further exhausting the muscle fibers more heavily involved in that motion, now that the concentric muscles are completely exhausted.



    Dropping a heavy ass BB off my back onto safety bars, then picking it up to slap it on my back again isnt very safe. As I said its asking for injury. I dont like going from heavy load, and dropping (Dropping a DL at the top for example). As far as the benching, on every exercise I preform my last rep(s) are almost impossible. The point of the negative is to beyond your concentric power at that point. Your muscles are much "stronger" on the eccentric motion. So essentially your further exhausting the muscle fibers more heavily involved in that motion, now that the concentric muscles are completely exhausted.

    Well in CBL-HD, you only do 1 negative rep on the squat, so you don't need to pick it back up again. And if you get in the hole and find you have the strength to stand it up, do it. Then do another negative. Simple. And I use bumper plates so just drop onto the ground. And yes, I'm well aware of how the negative works.. But training without assistance makes it next to impossible, so a "band-aid" on that problem is as I described; excessive eccentric time. Like I said.. not the best option, but it's something.



    Didnt even look at the Leg Day hah, So that is deff something I could do. I can set the safety bars on the rack to right below the bottom of my squat and that'll do a fine job! Thanks for the tip! I agree, its better than nothing, like a long stretch at the negative motion of the last few reps. But I think I could get the full effect of a negative rep out of a smith. Idk, something I will have to toy with for sure.



    Didnt even look at the Leg Day hah, So that is deff something I could do. I can set the safety bars on the rack to right below the bottom of my squat and that'll do a fine job! Thanks for the tip! I agree, its better than nothing, like a long stretch at the negative motion of the last few reps. But I think I could get the full effect of a negative rep out of a smith. Idk, something I will have to toy with for sure.

    The only reason I don't like the idea of using the smith to lower, lock it, stand up, lift it up, get under, do another negative, is that there is too much rest time.. You likely would no longer be at your concentric failure point, if that makes sense.. That's partially why I opt for the way I do it. It's greater TUT, especially since I limit the ROM slightly to keep the muscles on tension as much as I can (which I suck at cuz I'm terrible at effectively contracting upper body muscle groups ha)



    I agree, stopping will break the TUT and start to allow the muscles to rest. But i think i could get up, get the bar up, and reset in much less than 30 seconds. So as long as I make those negatives really painful they could be just as effective. Idk, as said something Ill for sure be experimenting with in upcoming sessions.


    I agree, stopping will break the TUT and start to allow the muscles to rest. But i think i could get up, get the bar up, and reset in much less than 30 seconds. So as long as I make those negatives really painful they could be just as effective. Idk, as said something Ill for sure be experimenting with in upcoming sessions.

    Honestly, At that point why not just use a leg press or machine press?You could even do 2 legs for concentric and single leg for negative if you want to keep going past failure. Doing 2 limb concentric and 1 limb negative is actually a super effective way to work some heavy negatives.However, don't go to crazy on the negatives, to much will begin to decrease glycogen re-synthesis.

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The "Superhero" Effect

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