Whey Isolate

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    Richard Schmitt

    5lb of hydrolysate for $21?  I'm a little skeptical.

    Whoa...I was about to looking into this site...seriously? $21? O.o


    Damon Amato

    nevermind, they have a confusing way of adding things to your mixture.  5lb of “super” hydrolysate, whatever that means, $54.65, but I added leucine to  it.  That's a good price, depending on the quality of the protein.  WTF is “super” grade?  It's not gasoline…


    Richard Schmitt

    The mixture that you got is it still no-carb? Maybe that's it?


    Damon Amato

    It's got 1.2g carb, probably from the sucralose and chocolate flavor.



    Another option is TrueNutrition's (http://www.truenutrition.com) WPI - they have 3 different kinds, all at around 10-11$/pound. If that's a bit pricey, there's coupon codes for 5% off: AND028 is one.I'd stay away from the natural flavors but all the premium are pretty good.

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.  But I am trying to buy whey isolate for a preworkout shake, and looked on truenutirition and would like some flavor to the protein, but not if the sweeteners cause an insulin spike.  Do you know if the premium flavors cuase an insulin spike, like ace-k that he mentions in the book?



    Taking whey isolates will cause an insulin spike. That is really not suggested pre-workout.


    Brandon D Christ

    Taking whey isolates will cause an insulin spike. That is really not suggested pre-workout.

    I wouldn't say spike, more like raise.  This is assuming you are taking the amounts Kiefer reccomends in the CBL book.



    Great point. “elevate in some fashion unknown to me”.


    Another option is TrueNutrition's (http://www.truenutrition.com) WPI - they have 3 different kinds, all at around 10-11$/pound. If that's a bit pricey, there's coupon codes for 5% off: AND028 is one.I'd stay away from the natural flavors but all the premium are pretty good.

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.  But I am trying to buy whey isolate for a preworkout shake, and looked on truenutirition and would like some flavor to the protein, but not if the sweeteners cause an insulin spike.  Do you know if the premium flavors cuase an insulin spike, like ace-k that he mentions in the book?

    Well, if you absolutely want to avoid ace-K, you can go with natural premium (stevia) or use a regular flavoring (non-premium) and select your sweetener from the drop down menu. There's loads of permutations.



    Okay, great.  Thanks!



    I bought unflavored, unsweetened “Biofresh Whey Isolate” from protein factory and it's great.  It's actually completely flavorless and mixes easily with a spoon.  The absence of flavor takes some getting used to, but you actually get more protein per bag without the added weight of the flavoring and sweetener.



    I'm gonna jump on this old thread for a quick question I'm sure you guys can answer: Is Hydolized Isolate the same as a Whey Hydrolysate? So ISO 100 (which I happen to have half a jar of lying around) which markets itself as a cross-filtered Hydrolized Whey Isolate- should I use that as my Isolate, my Hydrolysate, or both in my PW shake....a little lost here over all the diff protein combos. Thanks all!


    Damon Amato

    ISO100 is hydrosylate.  Use it PWO only. 

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Whey Isolate

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