anyone under 10% bf????

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    Richard Schmitt

    It's crazy how he is 6% BF and can keep it!!! I listened to it this morning. (my time)



    I've been following CBL for about 4 weeks now and I started less than 10%, but feel as though I'm gaining fat. My backloads are usually around 200-300 carbs, so not huge amounts. I think I'm following the plan fairly close as well. Strange.



    You have to tweak based on results, for no fat gain you adjust the carbs for desired results. I only backload on training days and a very minor one on the day before I work out if I take multiple days off.



    I've been following CBL for about 4 weeks now and I started less than 10%, but feel as though I'm gaining fat. My backloads are usually around 200-300 carbs, so not huge amounts. I think I'm following the plan fairly close as well. Strange.

    How much lean mass are you carrying? Also what do your workouts look like?What type of foods are you eating before your backload, and for your backload?Did you buy the book, or are you just going off articles and feedback?



    Not 100% positive on lean mass. I weigh 170lbs (started CBL at 164) and am estimating roughly 8%, based off previous testing in the past and how I look/weigh now. Following Wendler's 5-3-1 with 2 accessory movements per body part. I have coffee with 1tbsp CO and 10 g whey upon waking. A snack consisting of equal fat/protein 3 hours later(~20g each). For lunch usually close to equal protein/fat at around 30-40g. Pre workout shake with CO and 15g protein. For back loads I have one large main meal with about 40-50g protein and 100 carbs. About an hour later I usually have some sweets, like cookies, cereal, doughnuts, etc. Then a whey shake before bed about 10:30pm. And yes, I bought the book. What do you think? Thanks!



    Hmm, seems like you have pretty much everything figured out. Considering you're actually pretty lean I would say maybe to be a bit more aggressive with your carbs? However, I'm not as knowledgeable on the subject and I'm sure someone on here can help you more than I can.



    I would swap the whey shake for some casein protein, it may be keeping your blood sugar higher during sleep which you do not want, you want the sugar to be absorbed by the muscles and cleaned out of the blood stream when you go to sleep to allow for human growth hormone to take over and do its job. Might be beneficial to add in a few things here and there to compliment the pwo meal such as leucine if you have not been using it. I try to stop eating an hour or 2 before bed to allow the system to digest and clean out the sugar from the carbs. How simple are the carbs in the pwo meal?



    Generally people in the know will require more information. Have you thought about starting up a log?

    • How much protein and fat are you eating?
    • Are you density bulking or strength accumulation?
    • What does your lifting look like? How many days? What accessories - sets x reps.
    • Do you do Crossfit still and are you backloading after?

    Here are a few suggestions though...

    • Maybe drop the whey upon waking if you've had a heavy backload and feel a bit puffy. Just go with coconut oil and coffee every few hours and then have a small first meal pre workout + plenty of coconut oil.
    • Maybe omit the 15g whey pre workout too, as this may be kicking you out of fat burning mode. If you're S.A you don't need it. If you're DB then you need it.
    • You have to decide which approach you want to take. If you're density bulking you might well gain some fat. If you're S.A then you might just hover around your current weight for a while.
    • Maybe you should go heavy backloads on heavy squat and deadlift days and back off a bit on press and bench days. Then in between those days do some HIIT with only coconut oil before hand and go ULC or maybe a small backload if you're training again the next morning or having multiple days off.

      They are just some ideas I would perhaps play around with if I personally was gaining noticeable fat in a short space of time. I'd immediately have a few days backing off to get my body back to burning fat then I'd start introducing backloads again slowly. Oh, and it's also worth mentioning that in one of the interviews with Kiefer he says the guys who are around 170lbs may be better off backloading on things like rice and sweet potato with a desert afterward. Unfortunately I think we can get away with less turnovers than the >200lb'ers can.



    Great suggestions guys. I appreciate it. I think that I'm going to drop whey pre workout, and get some casein for night time. I also need to make up my mind between DB or SA. I want to get bigger, but I have fat phobia. This leads into another concern. If I drop whey from morning coffee and pre workout, that only leaves me my 10am snack and 1pm lunch to get the recommended nutrients. I think trying to take in 80g protein/fat in two meals would be a challenge. I work out at 4:30, FYI.


    Stephen Davis

    Great suggestions guys. I appreciate it. I think that I'm going to drop whey pre workout, and get some casein for night time. I also need to make up my mind between DB or SA. I want to get bigger, but I have fat phobia. This leads into another concern. If I drop whey from morning coffee and pre workout, that only leaves me my 10am snack and 1pm lunch to get the recommended nutrients. I think trying to take in 80g protein/fat in two meals would be a challenge. I work out at 4:30, FYI.

    I am doing SA and do not eat anything until noon.  Only coconut oil and heavy cream with coffee.  My weight is pretty static at about 178 with BF steadily dropping.  Also, my lifts keep going up.  I am using Shockwave Protocol.  Hope all the input helps.

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anyone under 10% bf????

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