Photos: Cardio & Wholegrains Vs Lifting & Meat

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  • #79445


    Think I've made more progress 🙂


    samuel r walker

    Youre awesome fairy:)



    Thank you Sammy! 🙂



    Looking damn good. More females need to realize the benefits of lifting and eating meat.



    Thank you Tom 🙂 I am hoping to help that happen!


    Brandon D Christ

    Very sexy!  Please don't cyber slap me  ;D


    Richard Schmitt

    Definitely looking great Fairy! All the determination you're putting in this is showing, and your abs are really trying to say hello 😉



    @Ibo Have no fear, I will not cyber slap you for stating an indisputable fact, such as that one 🙂@Tex Thank you 🙂 They are indeed, and they will soon!


    I've said it before, I'll say it again… fucking awesome continual progress.  Consistency.Upper abs popping in, obliques showing contours too!  🙂Cory



    Thank you Tom 🙂 I am hoping to help that happen!

    I need to find a way to get some females I know on here to check this out.Was talking to a friend via another forum who wants to compete in bikini. She told me she is eating 1400 calories a day. Which is what I eat in my 1 ULC meal a day. Made me sad when I read it too. She has such a great shape(talking about an ass not a butt).I think Bob said it best  ;D



    I approve!



    Just posting this for all the guys who keep telling women it's impossible for women to get too muscular. It's not. Remember, I'm not a physique competitor, and I don't want visible muscle. I want to be strong, with minimal muscle mass.I'm actually embarrassed to lift my arms up in public sometimes :/ Things like adjusting my hair leave me looking hulkish. And this is especially not a good look when wearing a dress.So when I say I want to train for strength, not hypertrophy, please understand that this is actually a genuine concern not just some irrational fear.



    Also note: I'm carb depleted and haven't trained my arms for over a week in this photo, so you can imagine that once I drop more body fat, start eating carbs more regularly and training more regularly, the muscle will only become more obvious.


    Just posting this for all the guys who keep telling women it's impossible for women to get too muscular. It's not. Remember, I'm not a physique competitor, and I don't want visible muscle. I want to be strong, with minimal muscle mass.I'm actually embarrassed to lift my arms up in public sometimes :/ Things like adjusting my hair leave me looking hulkish. And this is especially not a good look when wearing a dress.So when I say I want to train for strength, not hypertrophy, please understand that this is actually a genuine concern not just some irrational fear.

    Your arms in my opinion are not too muscular, but very well toned. It is very attractive to me.



    Thanks Avo 😉 I think you might have a slightly distorted view of what the average person considers 'toned'. These are some of the top Google Image results:CameronArms906.jpgeva-longoria-parker-arms-de-55266203.jpgmichelle_obama_toned_arms.jpg

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 139 total)

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Photos: Cardio & Wholegrains Vs Lifting & Meat

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